bytez & pcz
bytez & pcz
is one of
several fictitious companies
created by Prof. David Bernstein, now a member of the
Computer Science Department at James Madison University
1 About the Company
bytez & pcz designs and develops social networking software.
It's current products include:
Glympst - A system that allows people to send
glmpsz of things they saw (i.e., small pictures) to their friends.
If their friends are interested, they can then retrieve a full-size
Clypt - A system that allows people to send
clypz of things they heard (i.e., small sound clips) to their friends.
If their friends are interested, they can then retrieve the rest.
- A system that allows people to send
snypz of things they read (i.e., small text messages) to their friends.
If their friends are interested, they can then retrieve the complete
When the technology becomes available, they plan on developing
the following prodicts:
- A system that allows people to send
whyffz of things they smelled to their friends.
- A system that allows people to send
hyntz of things they tasted.
- A system that allows people to send
brushz of things they touched.
2 About the Name
The name bytez & pcz is a play on the term "bits and pieces".
Both the company name and the product names make extensive use of the
letters "y" and "z".
The logo is supposed to convey the impression of analog-to-digital and
digital-to-analog conversions.